TBL/Factory Survey!

Written on September 24, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: News with tags: ,

20140305aFactory doll, photo by Meg/irulethegalaxy.

I wanted to do a little survey on TBL/factory/fake Blythe dolls so I created one:

TBL/Factory Questionnaire

There was an amazing 100 responses to the first survey, I had to start another one due to limitations with the website. This contains the exact same questions: TBL/Factory Questionnaire #2.

This is anonymous – you do not need to give your name/username or email address when doing this survey. The questionnaire consists of four yes/no questions, and one comment box if you have any other thoughts to share about TBL/factory/fake dolls.

I will be writing about the results in a couple of weeks, so there is plenty of time for you to fill out the survey and to share it with your Blythe friends! I’m really curious about the results and hope that they’re enlightening!

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