Question of the Week: New dolls or older ones?

Written on January 24, 2011 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

I’ve found myself focusing on older release dolls lately. I love looking at photos of BLs, EBLs and SBLs. RBLs don’t really grab my attention all that much (besides my own RBL dolls!) and while I’ve fallen for a few of the FBL dolls, I haven’t gotten one (yet!). I never get tired of looking at Goldie and Kozy in photos and I definitely love seeing Sunday Best and Aztec Arrival in the photos that show up on my Flickr contacts photostream (many thanks to everyone who takes photos of their BLs to keep my love for them alive).

Do you focus mainly on the older release Blythes or the newer ones?

I haven’t found very many newer release dolls that have made me very interested in them. Besides some of the FBL girls that have come out with fantastic new hair colours that haven’t before been seen (the skating Simply trio would be the ones I’m referring to), most of them just haven’t peaked my interest in a way that those BLs and EBLs do.

3 Responses to “Question of the Week: New dolls or older ones?”

  1. Emily says:

    I like newer releases becuz RBLs are my favourite 😀

  2. Tia AKA @tiabearden

    I love BLs. I think they have the more personality than the newer dolls.

  3. Alice says:

    Sod’s law is I never want a doll when she’s released. It’ll be later, when she’s more expensive and difficult to get hold of 😛

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