Happy 1st Birthday, BlytheLife.com!
Written on July 1, 2011 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: News with tags: birthday
Image from sxc.hu user nazreth.
A year ago, my very first post on BlytheLife.com went live and I was pushing a little fledgling site out of the proverbial nest and into the world for everyone to see. I had hopes for this website, I wasn’t entirely sure how often that I was going to be able to keep it updated, but I had hopes in making it a somewhat visited website just to justify the time that I spent on just making that darn eye in the header.
And my expectations were surpassed. I was introduced to so many people, I was told by people new to the Blythe hobby how helpful the website was to them as a resource and I got to interact with just so many people. It’s been absolutely amazing. Writing BlytheLife has certainly made me more active in the doll community – needing to keep up with hot topics and get things posted. It’s been such a huge undertaking and effort and it’s nice to see that I kept it up for a year!
- 1 year
- 15 giveaways
- 18 interviews
- 35 Blythe On A Budget articles
- 170 posts
- 81585 visitors (in May 2011!)
Thank you so very much to everyone who has ever visited this website. It’s my baby and it’s growing up so fast! I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for the second year of BlytheLife.
If you know anyone that you think would be interested in getting interviewed for BlytheLife.com, please send me an email (michelle@blythelife.com) or refer them to the How to Get Featured page! I’m always looking forward to doing more interviews and showcasing more talent in this great dolly community!
happy birthday blythelife!
Happy Birthday!!!! I sure have enjoyed the past year!!!
Congratulations! Happy birthday! Here’s to a great year and many more to come!
Fun! Happy Birthday!