Diagnosis: Kenner Fever (again…)
Written on February 22, 2012 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Musings
You would think that I would have been immune to this after getting my redhead, Emmalynn, but no such luck! I’m sure a lot of you have heard about some crazy lucky Blythe fan finding seven Kenners in a local shop just over a week ago… This is a very, very true story (you can read about it on Flickr). So Kenners! My local Blythe group had a fantastic meet this past Sunday where there was a fantastic number of Kenners around (twelve!).
I mean, I love Kenners, I really do. Most of my collection are the modern Takaras, of course, but Kenners are awesome. So I went to the meet with my one Kenner (Emmalynn – she’s second from the right in the back row) and left with three Kenners. Not even joking.
I will be posting the progress of the restoration of the two as I go along, they currently have no names (but plenty of nicknames, ahem), but these are my new additions:
It was definitely not a “Blythe On A Budget” kind of week…
“It was definitely not a “Blythe On A Budget” kind of week…”
Haha! You’re not kidding, Michelle! It wasn’t for me either. I got tired of waiting for a Kozy, and bought a Rosie Red…though I have this sneaking suspicion that if a Kozy surfaces, I still might bite. Eek! I can’t wait to see your progress with the two new girls!
Hey!! congratulations!!
Looking forward to hear and see more about your newest girls, I’m beginning to live vicariously through you 😛