QOTW: The Most Coveted Thing?

Written on July 14, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

The wants and desires of the Blythe community seems to ebb and flow – but a lot of things remain high on the wishlist at times. There are certain frocks that fetch a pretty price, or they sell out within a minute of being available on Etsy. There have been helmets of all sorts, kitty, puppy, bear and sheep, that have all gone for astronomical prices that seem mildly (or literally) insane at different times. Prices for some things have remained high, while others have dipped a little due to the following disappearing. Some individuals choose to hoard it all, while others resell at a profit. Whatever the supply-and-demand situation, someone is buying and someone else is selling.

Buying myself birthday gifts ;)

I used to have a lot of wants that I interpreted as “needs” when it came to certain designers and items. That happened more often when I had the money to spend, or the ability to justify the purchase. Nowadays, I’m more reserved about my purchases because I have more considerations to make, what with my expenses and financial obligations in life. Is this what being an adult is all about? I don’t think that I like it… Being responsible means not buying every single thing that pops up, because that would be ridiculous (and mildly stupid). There are still a few things here and there that I would love to get my hands on – primarily more separates. I’m pretty happy (for the most part) with the dresses that I own for my dolls right now, but I’d love for them to dress a bit more like me – jeans, pants, an assortment of tops. That and the Converses. I want more still. Much more.

Some desires I’ve previously had when it comes to coveting doll items were dresses by specific people, vintage Skipper flats, squishy Barbie boots. I quite love the look of vintage doll boots, so those are something that I’m always still looking for. I would personally (probably) never wear pink knee-high boots, but you never know what the future will bring!

What is the most coveted thing for you, right now?

3 Responses to “QOTW: The Most Coveted Thing?”

  1. K. AKA @MaidenCanada

    I love Barbie Squishy Boots and Cowgirl Boots. They are my favourite things.

  2. SonjeB says:

    My biggest dolly want right now are Gotall shoes and boots. They are gorgeous. I’d also love to get my dollies some lovely, realistic eye chips. Then, of course, is the marvelous scooter with sidecar that pops up on the ‘Bay sometimes. Love them all, just can’t afford them right now … one day …

  3. Heather AKA @claribari

    The Takara Busy Bee Scooter! I love everything about it; especially the helmet!

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