QOTW: Your Hairstyle Preferences?
Written on December 15, 2014 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Question of the Week
Moxie (SBB) wears ericaduh (dress); Sophie (CapChat) wears Kult of Kulta (dress); and Belarus (LM) wears ericaduh (dress).
There are a variety of stock hair cut styles available out there for Blythe:
- Side-part, no bangs (or fringe)
- Side-part, with bangs
- Centre-part, no bangs
- Centre-part, with bangs
- Short, medium-length, or long hair
And then for the type of hairs:
- Straight hair
- Curly hair
And any creative combination of the above. I’m not going to get into the different ways that they decide to cut/style the bangs, because I don’t even known how to refer to them (normal-looking vs. wonky?).
I’ve found that I greatly appreciate centre-part hair styles over side part, and I quite like it it with or without bangs. I find that the evenness of bangs is quite hit or miss when it comes to Takara quality these days.
What are your Blythe hairstyle preferences?
Stick straight, short bob, with bangs! I am too practical for anything fancier. Every other hairstyle is work to maintain!
Short hair is definitely the easiest to maintain! There’s nothing that really needs to be combed! 😉
I really prefer bangs to big ol’ foreheads, but as for length, I like ’em all! Curly hair is very hard to manage/style, I find, and doesn’t tend to come out of the box looking good at all. Oh, and I love how side-parted girls look, but in reality, their hair is very hard to keep out of their faces without pinning it back somehow…
Hahaha, yes, the bangs really do hide that big shiny forehead 😉 That definitely helps a lot. Side-parts are really pretty, but it does always fall forward. It’s hard to manage with that for Sophie in particular because her hair is so fine.
I love straight hair with no curl as I can’t manage it! I’m also a sucker for braids on any doll, I’m not sure why? I see braids, I go crazy…love them.
I’ve never had a Blythe with a side part, but I really want one. I love that look.
Short bobs are so cute for Blythe, also, but I would have to buy one already like that as I wouldn’t have the nerve to cut long hair! Scary!
I really prefer bangs…My first girl was a Cass Spice and she has gorgeous bangs. I am also partial to my kozies and new goldie as they have excellent bangs (considering…those releases are very hit/miss for wonky bangs!)
That Kult of Kulta dress! Love! Hmm I think I like the look with bangs, though Sophie’s hair is pretty amazing too. Hard to say!
<3 Kelsea | Kels Shark