Written on March 27, 2017 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
Blythe has the honour of being a named bestowed onto the various incarnations: Kenner (1972), Neo (produced by Takara, from 2001 onwards), Ashton-Drake Galleries (produced by Ashton-Drake Galleries, from 2005-2008), Middie (produced by Takara, from 2010 onwards), and Petite Blythe (produced by Takara, from 2002-2014). Despite all the various manufacturers and creative minds behind them, Blythe ultimately has 3 sizes: Neo (Kenner and ADGs are the same size), Middie, and Petite.

Personally, my first love would probably always be the Neo size. It’s the original, it’s what first drew me to Blythe to begin with. There’s just something charming about the oversized head-to-body ratio that the Middies and Petites just don’t quite have. That said, I do have Middies and Petites and I love them for what they are – but the full-sized Neos (and Kenners!) will always have a more prominent place in my heart.
Which one is your favourite Blythe size?
Written on February 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
One of the many reasons why I love Blythe is because she can be so versatile and she changes for each individual Blythe enthusiast. She can be a little girl, a girly girl, a tom boy, or completely and utterly glamourous. The sky is the limit when it comes to who Blythe can be.
Oh hai, I’m basically Michelle in doll form.
And she can also be a mini-me. My personal mini-me is Belarus (Love Mission) – she’s just missing brown eyes (and I can’t bring myself to change out her eye chips because EBLs are perfection to me). I even got her some black glasses to complete the look. Although who I wish was my mini-me is Maple Reed (Devi Delacour) or even Cameo (customized Ichigo Heaven) because I wish I had dark red or pink hair.
Do you have a mini-me? (Share photos/links to photos below in the comments!)
Belarus is wearing: shirt/Dutch Blythe Fashion, jeans/Puppy52Dolls.
Written on February 13, 2017 at 12:30 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
I finally got myself to the post office last week to pick up my packages. I had a few packages of tea (it’s not an addiction, I swear! I can stop at any time) and my new doll. Last week I gave some hints: older release, blonde, and stock.

I bought myself a Sunday Best (BL). She’s pretty much a delight and I love her. I’ve wanted a Sunday Best for a really long time – since way back when Flickr was the place to be with the Blythe photos and I followed people who participated in 365 and used their Sunday Best as their 365 girl.
She has no name yet. I’m feeling a bit bad that she doesn’t have a name just yet or that a name just hasn’t come to me… But it will with time. I hope. I don’t want to be referring to her just as “Sunday Best” forever.
Do you have any dolls that are nameless or remained nameless for a really long time? What did you finally name her?
Sunday Best’s wearing: top/made by me, capris/puppy52.
Written on January 30, 2017 at 1:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
When I had under 10, it was super easy to remember all of my dolls’ names. Now that I’m getting up there in number, sometimes it actually takes me a moment when I look at a doll to think about what their name is. This usually doesn’t happen with a doll that’s been in my Blythe family for a while (like I could ever forget Sophie’s name!), but it sometimes it does happen with newer dolls.
The other day I was having a conversation where I called my Mondrian Lollie and then I paused and went “No wait, her name is ‘Lottie’…” and the person I was talking with went “Did you really just forget your doll’s name?”
“Do I look like a Lollie to you?!”
Yes, the answer is yes. For instance, I know that I named my Devi Delacour Maple Reed, but the other day I caught myself only referring to her as Reed and I knew as soon as I said it out loud that was wrong as well. I’m terrible, I know.
I really should just get little name cards for all my dolls so when they’re on the shelf they’re easily identified by name, stock name, and mold type – like in a museum.
Do you remember all of your dolls’ names?
Lottie’s wearing: dress/Buttonarcade.
Written on January 23, 2017 at 3:15 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
365 Blythe/A Doll A Day/any other daily photo challenge participants… You’re really not my target audience for this question at all (but feel free to answer below! And perhaps share the link to your Flickr album for your photo challenge?). For the every day Blythe collector (or just the lazier ones like me!), I’m wondering when the last time you took a photo of a Blythe.
For me, it was two days ago, and it was this photo:

While I wish I could spend more time taking photos of my Blythes, it’s not really always feasible. When I work, all I do is work-eat-sleep (rinse and repeat for four shifts) and that’s pretty much my life. I spend very little time with friends/family when I have work because I’m just too tired to do anything else, much less take out a doll and photograph her. It does lead to feelings of neglect on my part for my Blythes because while I do love them, I don’t spend nearly as much time with them as I wish I could on a regular basis. Some days I just don’t have the energy to do it.
How often do you photograph your Blythes?