Written on September 30, 2016 at 5:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings
It should come to no surprise that I follow quite a few members of the Blythe community on various social media platforms. Through people whom I share a common love of Blythe for, I’ve been exposed to other aspects of their collections. Beyond Blythe there are ball-jointed dolls, Monster High/Ever After High dolls, handmade designer plush, faux taxidermy, Funko Pops, and Disney animator dolls. And probably a whole slew of dolls that I am neglecting to remember at this very moment.

With a fair bit in common with many of the online friends that I’ve made (because, lets face it, Blythe brings many of us together!) with similar hobbies or fandoms, I’ve found myself being drawn to certain other aspects of the collectible doll world. My most recent acquisitions have not been Blythe, although I am impatiently waiting for Devi Delacour to arrive in October, but Funko Pop. I could not resist when I saw the Sailor Moon collection pop up in photos on Instagram. I definitely resisted for a long time (I still very much want some of the Harry Potter Pops), and luckily they’re not as expensive as Blythe can be (but they do add up!).
It’s nice to be able to get something new and not have to wait for it to arrived via post. On the other hand, there is less of a thrill with not repeatedly checking the tracking number for updates, and it’s also not a new Blythe. Blythe is always going to be my first love when it comes to collectible dolls (or figures, as the Funko Pops are), but it’s nice to have a little bit of variety in the collection because it increases the overall level of ‘cute’ that I have in my life. Who wouldn’t want that?
Cameo’s wearing: helmet/Cakewalk Queen, dress/Plastic Fashion, tights/Endangered Sissy.
Written on September 26, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
I can be terribly nosy at times, but I like hearing the answer to this question! My best gift that I have received so far while collecting Blythe would have to be Eden Mouse (Punkaholic People). For those that don’t known, Eden was actually a gift from my parents for a Christmas that they missed. She is definitely one of my favourites, if I can admit to playing favourites with my dolls, and she is one of the funner ones to dress and to do photo stories of because I see quite a bit of me in her.

Fun fact: I had an awkward bowl cut too when I was a little girl, so young Michelle and perpetually young Eden would have matched.
What is the best gift you’ve received (in relation to Blythe)?
Written on September 23, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings
This question has a long and storied answer for me. The long and short of it is yes – if push came to shove and I had to downsize, I would. Whether for space or financial reasons, if I had to sell I (most likely) probably would. But I wouldn’t sell just to get down to one doll again, because that would be terribly time consuming as well as being mildly impractical (since I could give you all so many reasons why I would not sell each and every single one of my dolls).
My doll family has come a long way since 2009!
At one point I actually only had one Blythe, but that lasted for about a month before my second Blythe arrived. I was good for a month, and it was all downhill (uphill?) from there in terms of my Blythe collection. The growth of my doll family has considerably slowed down over the years as the dolls begin to take up more room, and I have found myself being more and more selective with which doll that I bring into the family. I have purposefully sought out dolls in molds that I didn’t previously own (Kindred [Velvet Minuet/SBL], unnamed ADG, Lottie [Mondrian/BL]) to round out my collection. I still have a vision of a custom I’d like, so I am saving up for that (and I do have the new October release coming to me later this year… Happy early birthday to me?), but otherwise I’m in a spot right now that I’m quite content with my collection and see no signs of needing to downsize.
Have you ever felt the need to get to just one Blythe doll? Or are you more like me and would only sell if absolutely necessary?
Written on September 19, 2016 at 2:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
Photography is often best in natural lighting, but as someone who frequently shies away from taking her dolls out in public around people this is often reserved for indoors with perhaps the curtains or blinds open. Since my move, I went from a bedroom with green painted walls (no judgements please, I picked out the paint colour when I was sixteen) to a bedroom (and honestly, pretty much most of the apartment) with white walls. Which of course all this boils down to the fact that my current place to take photos is against the blank white wall. I also have an east-facing window in my room, which lends to some pretty decent light for the mornings.

New bedroom walls vs. old bedroom walls. That green sure helped to make all the dolls washed out!

I’m still working on taking photos outdoors, there’s some gardens and a preserved plot of forest nearby my new place that I think would be wonderful for photos – I just haven’t quite worked up the courage to venture out with my dolls for photos just yet.
What is your favourite place to take photos of your dolls?
Written on September 18, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: News

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