Question of the Week: Stock vs. Customized

Written on April 11, 2011 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

We all have our own personal preferences. While I think it’s incredibly nerve-wracking to hold melting hot glue to an expensive doll’s eyeball, other people don’t seem to have that same issue as I do. I own primarily fully-stock dolls. Most of them only have minor customizations (a few chip changes, sleepy eyes, or just a new string) because I don’t think that I could ever bring myself to take a needle file to a doll’s lips (plus shipping in and out of the country is expensive indeed!).

But enough about me! What I really want to know is…

Do you prefer stock Blythe dolls or customized dolls? Why?

I think there are huge merits to both. Some people only found the Blythe community because they saw a customized doll photo somewhere. Some people are drawn only to the stock dolls and those cute little illustrated teasers. Some are just content with the doe-eyed look that some dolls just naturally have. Which do you love (and have)?

4 Responses to “Question of the Week: Stock vs. Customized”

  1. corsetkitten AKA @corsetkitten

    I think that both kinds of Blythes have their merits. For me though I’m really partial to customized girls. I think there’s something about them being different in some way from every other Blythe out there.
    Plus so many of them are just gorgeous! 😀

  2. Misato AKA @Misat0

    I’m a stock person (actually stock fanatic) but both my dolls need some repainting repairs and although I’m going to try and keep the Aubrey as she was, I think I’ll change the Heather Sky a bit, adding blush (which I always felt she needed) and darkening the lips.

  3. Holly AKA @thethinkingdoll

    I love both, have owned both and customized my own. Some girls just seem to need to ‘evolve’ at some point whereas others I wouldn’t dream of touching. I do usually end up sandmatting my girls, because I love the velvety texture of their complexions, but obviously that’s a problem if I love her makeup! I certainly won’t be customizing my Simply Mango, so I guess it depends on the girl’s personality 🙂

  4. Anne AKA @Anne0731

    Just my personal preference? Stock with just a minor detail here or there. I enjoy looking at people’s work but for me and my collection? Less is more. I do like sand-matte and have taken to sanding at least my girls foreheads and around their makeup/chin. I just like the photos better that way.

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