Question of the Week: How do you store your doll shoes?

Written on April 2, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

Shoe organizer...

Back in February I finally got around to organizing some of my doll shoes. Well, I started to do so, anyways. I got as far as the state of organization as photographed above and then I kind of stopped with the organizing. I have a lot more pairs that are still not organized (mostly stock shoes and boots that I’d bought since organizing the collection) and what I was wondering was how other people organized their doll shoes. I know some people use similar boxes with little compartments, and some people have shelves and little displays for their doll shoes so my question this week is…

How do you store your doll shoes?

Kayla’s Handpainted Dress Giveaway: The Winner!

Written on April 1, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Giveaway with tags: ,

Thank you so much to everyone who entered into the giveaway with Kayla‘s custom (!) handpainted dress set. I’ve seen firsthand Kayla’s amazing painting work and I just know that anyone would be lucky to have one of her dresses!

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