QOTW: Who has more things – Blythe or you?

Written on December 10, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

It occasionally seems like I have more ‘things’ than my dolls do. Then I really considered it.

My dolls certainly have more pairs of shoes amongst them than I do. It’s face it, it’s a lot easier to store nearly a hundred pairs of doll shoes than it is to store a hundred pair of shoes for me! As for dresses, I’ve probably got less than a dozen for me but with a dozen Blythes, I definitely have more than a dozen dresses around for them. That’s not including assorted bottoms, tops, coats, socks, bags…

My clothes may be much larger than theirs, but they have a lot more in terms of quantity. And given how much some of the little pieces of art are (in particular, I’m looking the ‘designer’ goods that I happen to have), some things in their drawers cost more than what I wear sometimes. Yes, I’m one of those people who have dolls that wear outfits and all in all, the doll plus clothes and shoes are worth much, much more than what I wear on a daily basis. My dolls definitely have more things to wear than I do. It’s odd to think about it that way, but at least their things take up less room!

Who has more things – Blythe or you?

Specs or No Specs?

Written on December 7, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

I wear glasses and I have since the age of 8 or 9. My dolls, while they don’t get eye tests, get glasses. I think Blythes look cute with glasses – clear or tinted. Like with people, I think that glasses add to the personality to Blythe like they do with people. While not all of my dolls wear glasses all the time, I do have one that frequently has glasses on.

My little Belarus - April 14 2012 Who's that girl?

Glasses aren’t for everyone though, and if you have a custom doll you may be unwilling to put glasses against your doll’s face due to the fact that it could scratch the face-up and I don’t blame you. I don’t put glasses (sunglasses or otherwise) on my custom girl because I get worried about scratching her face. I’m less worried about stock dolls because there’s no sealant or customized make-up.

Do your dolls wear glasses or do you refrain from putting glasses onto your dolls for whatever reason?

Celebrating Birthdays

Written on December 5, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags: , ,

I don’t always remember when my dolls arrived to my house. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I’ve remembered a birthday here and there, but I generally don’t make it a point to do anything for my dolls’ birthdays. With twelve girls and a bunch of (human) friends and family, I have a hard time remember when other people’s birthdays are and the dates the girls arrived.

Yesterday (the 4th) marked the anniversary of when I received Moxie (Simply Bubble Boom). In the year she’s been here, Moxie got herself a fraternal twin sister (Mollie – Simply Sparkly Spark) who has a different birthday, went on a road trip and got herself some new chips!

QOTW: Fess up, who’s your favourite?

Written on December 3, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

It was easier to say what Blythe is my favourite when I only had one (or even two). But when you have more than that, it’s hard to go “Yes, I do have a favourite” because they’re all here for a reason. I considered this question a lot when I thought about downsizing. While I’m not in a position where I need to sell any of my dolls, it’s always interesting to consider who I would be willing to let go, if I absolutely had to. I ended up looking at my dolls more critically, considering who’s little face I’d miss the most looking back at me.

So when pressed, I considered each doll one at a time. I considered who I would never sell, unless very hard pressed, and I came up with four (of the twelve). This is a thing going around Flickr, so you can share your ‘forever four’ there.

My Forever Four

Top row is: Primrose (Kenner) and Eden Mouse (mostly stock Punkaholic People)

Bottom row: Sophie (mostly stock Cappuccino Chat) and Emmalynn (Kenner)

Who is your favourite Blythe in your doll family?

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