Sponsor BlytheLife in November!

Written on October 20, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Uncategorized

You have a doll-related website/shop/blog and BlytheLife has your target audience! is an active doll website with a high readership that primarily consists of women who are Blythe and other doll collectors/hobbyists. By advertising your doll-related site or business with BlytheLife, you can ensure that your ad is being seen by the people that are your potential customers.

Sponsorship costs are purposely kept low to keep advertising accessible to people in the doll community.

Did you know? In the month of September 2013, there was an average of 1850 unique visitors per day and a total of 310,752 hits for the entire month!

There are three spots currently available for the month of November and all sponsorship funds go towards keeping up and running!

Large – 1 spot available for November! (325×200 pixels)

  • $10 – 1 month
  • $18 – 2 months
  • $26 – 3 months

Small – 2 spots available for November! (160×160 pixels)

  • $5 – 1 month
  • $9 – 2 months
  • $13 – 3 months

If you’d like more information on how you can advertise on BlytheLife, click here.

Halloween is in less than TWO weeks?!

Written on October 18, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article

Brainstorming for Halloween costumes is difficult. After all, how do I top a squid outfit? (I know, that’s old news by now, but I still adore the costume.) I’d love to come up with something witty for this year, mostly because Halloween is a creative time and I think it’d be something fun to do.

Last year, it was my Kenners that got involved in the Halloween and the year before it was Belarus (Love Mission). I think this year it may be my FBL fraternal twins who get in on the action, I just need to come up with a doubles/twins costume idea that will work for Moxie (Simply Bubble Boom) and Mollie (Simply Sparkly Spark). Who are Moxie and Mollie? These two lovelies…

A little spooky?

They already do spooky so well, as Blythes without eye chips in are likely to do! But I still need some costuming ideas. And then the time to actually put them together, because that takes time (and effort) as well! My favourite part about Halloween is actually the day after. Discounted chocolate? Discounted candies to put me on a sugar high until Christmas? Don’t mind if I do! Sugar is as sugar does, I do enjoy getting to munch some on some goodies while I’m in school because it helps keep me awake.

So far I’ve been considering the following ideas for their costumes – do you have any suggestions?:

  • The girls from The Shining
  • Insects of some sort
  • Mummies!
  • Something science-fiction inspired

Blything? Dolling? Playing with Dolls?

Written on October 16, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

There are a lot of different words that can be described the activity of playing/collecting Blythe. The easiest way to explain it to people who are (mildly) freaked out by the big-eyed, big-headed dolls is to call it “Well, you see, I collect Japanese dolls, they’re modern versions of this doll that came out in the 70s”. See, once people find out that something is vintage, it makes it all better. Vintage is very “in” these days.


I’ve come across people who can be very negative when it comes to adults who say that they “play with dolls”. Which is why I’ve since changed it to “collecting dolls” and then further elaborating about how they’re Japanese dolls. It seems so much more socially acceptable when the dolls are more exotic, or expensive, or just collectible. Online, my favourite way of how people talk about playing with Blythe is the word Blything. I don’t know who came up with it first, but it is the most entertaining one that I see online quite often. I’ve even found myself using it verbally at doll meets on occasion! I like calling it “Blything” to other doll people. To people who aren’t “into” Blythe, it’s “collecting” because it’s a lot easier than explaining everything.

No matter what you call it though, they all have the same definition: the act of enjoying, playing with and collecting the lovely dolls that we know as Blythe.

What do you call it?

QOTW: What are you thankful for?

Written on October 14, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

Happy Thanksgiving! It is Thanksgiving day today here in Canada.

I’m thankful for the beautiful autumn leaves, the chance and the ability to get a good education, that I can afford luxuries in life like my Blythes, wonderful friends both here and offline and the internet.

Prim: I wish I was at BlytheCon right now...

What are you thankful for?

New Dolly Friends

Written on October 11, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

With the fast approaching BlytheCon, I couldn’t help but think about how my circle of doll friends has expanded since I started this website back in 2010 and when I met Blythe people in person for the first time in 2011. It was hard to make friends at first because I’m rather shy (it’s hard to tell shyness via something like the internet), but since that I’ve made so many more friends via Blythe.

How can you too expand your circle of doll friends?

  • Find local doll collectors – either via social media (e.g. Facebook) or the forums – post about looking for people in your general area
  • Attend a Blythe meet, if possible
  • If you’re traveling, post about going to the general area and see if others are willing to meet you
  • Ask someone if they know of a doll collector in your area, word of mouth can help a bit

March 17 2012 - Fairy Ring

I have a lot of fun attending local doll meets, because it means seeing ‘new’ dolls. I cannot express how much fun it was to see a Red Delicious in person just last weekend. If she could be the only anniversary doll that I ever own, I would be very happy with that because she’s gorgeous.

Benefits to knowing doll people and seeing them in person:

  • Getting to exchanging sundries
  • Seeing new-to-you dolls in person
  • Getting your ‘fix’ of experiencing new dolls

Go out there! Meet some new people! How often do you see local dolly people in your area? Mine meets nearly once a month.

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