Blythe On A Budget: The “D” Word

Written on October 9, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article with tags:

The dreaded “D” word that nobody wants to hear: diet. Specifically, I am referring to the phrase dolly diet. As a dreadfully unemployed, full-time student who spends all of her “free” time either studying or online (socialization doesn’t typically occur in my life – sad but true). Due to this unemployment state, I don’t get to buy as many dolly things as I would like. With unlimited funds, I would probably do things like… Buy a Parco or pricey custom doll on a whim, buy a minty Kenner or all the Middies just because I could. But I don’t have unlimited funds, so what’s a girl to do?

Dolly diet time!

Because I do budget some small amount of funds towards “fun” purchases, I’ve reduced the amount that I feel is appropriate to spend because the ‘fun’ money needs to also cover eating out, new clothes and other fun things. I’m sure that I’m not the only person in the doll community who needs to budget for dolly shopping. I tend to ‘binge’ shop, mostly because I have to go periods without buying doll things. So for the month of October, and until the next of the term (December), I have decided to not spend more than $10 a month on doll-related purchases.

So this happened :)
Time to sew?

This means no doll purchases, and likely no purchases until December when I can combine all the funds into one purchase. It will be a good break from spending because I’ll be keeping myself on track by not spending copious amounts of money on dolly goods. The best way that I can ‘save’ is by shopping locally – like when others in my local doll group is purging out sundries! In addition, I could also spend time crafting for my dolls – I do have fabric, thread and elastic (not to mention all the patterns that I have!). It could be less expensive overall if I only use supplies that I have on hand!

Like with all things in life, it’s important to consider how much you can afford to spend and to factor in extra costs before making a purchase – like shipping! Things you should consider before making a purchase online:

  • Cost of item
  • Cost of shipping for one item (or multiple items)
  • Potential custom fees

Generally speaking, when you’re buying an item online the cost of the item is just the beginning. There’s always additional costs to consider, especially when you’re making an international purchase that requires shipping and has the potential of incurring custom fees!

QOTW: Do you take photos of Blythe in public?

Written on October 7, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

June 20th - BlytheCon!

I’ve been collecting Blythe dolls since 2009 and I’m still not particularly comfortable about taking dolls out in public to photograph. I’m a lot better about it when I’m with others, it’s a comforting feeling to be in a group because then it’s really more a social thing that we’re doing – doesn’t everyone whip out a doll on a regular basis to photograph? I’m still shy about it, which I wish I wasn’t. I try to avoid taking photos of my dolls in public when I’m alone though, or even with family members. I think it’s easiest to pull out my dolls when others around me have dolls – safety in numbers!

Do you take photos of Blythe in public?

BlytheCon or Bust?

Written on October 4, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

I am, unfortunately, not attending BlytheCon this year in NYC. While I would love to attend BlytheCon (I didn’t attend the one in Texas either), it is just not in the cards for me. At least not when it’s in October and I’ve got this pesky thing called school. Plus it costs a small fortune to fly from where I live to NYC (approximate cost is 1.5 Kenners, give or take – this does not include accommodations or spending money, it’d probably be able 2.5 Kenners all said and done), and I just don’t have that kind of cash at the moment – but a girl can dream! You know the true doll fans are those that measure costs of things in dolls, Kenners or otherwise.

June 18th - on my way to Portland!
Next August, I’ll be in Seattle for BlytheCon 2014! Are you going?

Only another week or so (BlytheCon NY is occurring on October 13th this year), and then I’ll be able to drool everyone’s photos of their fantastic swag and all the gorgeous dolls gathered into one place.

Are you going to BlytheCon NY? What’s on your shopping list while you’re there?

Pumpkins, Ghosts and Witches – Oh My!

Written on October 2, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

It’s October! Which means that it’s the month of all things pumpkin, skeletal and scary! Unless of course you’re walking into a department store, in which case they seem to think that it’s Christmas already. I swear, if I see another evergreen wreath or a glass bauble for sale before the month becomes December, it’ll be too soon. Halloween is always such a fun holiday and as a kid I liked getting to dress up and go to school and see all of the other kids’ costumes. Now I feel the same way – about what dolls wear when meets come up in October.

Vancouver Island Meet - October 16 2011

Dolls in cute (and sometimes scary) costumes during Halloween? = Fun!

My girls! - Halloween Meet

I’m really looking forward to what October has to offer. I love autumn, and candy (and especially November 1st because that means discounted chocolate) and getting to come up with fun costume ideas for my dolls. In previous years, I’ve had one doll dress up as a squid, and then last year there was Medusa, Dorothy (of Oz and Kansas) and Cinderella. Who knows what this year will have in store? (If you have any good costume ideas to share, let me know!)

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