Get involved & be heard!

Written on November 8, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: News

My love, Primrose ?
Primrose says “Get involved!”

I often get emails asking how you can be involved with! I’m always happy to answer questions like that, and since there’s so many ways, I thought I would share them all in a post so you can learn about all the ways that you can contribute, and how BlytheLife can work for you.

  • Comment! On occasion, I do fun, random giveaways that are open to past commenters winning a little something just for sharing their views on posts here on BlytheLife.
  • Contribute an article or a tutorial or a post of some kind! Share your first doll story, or your special rerooting secret!
  • Do you have a shop? Are you having some kind of special sale? Let readers of BlytheLife know via Shopping Saturday.
  • Offer a suggestion of a post or a review that you’d like to see me write.
  • There’s a little-known feature known as Blog Blurb Wednesday where you can share your (doll-related) blog here on BlytheLife.
  • If you want a bigger audience for your website or shop, look no further than sponsoring BlytheLife. Funds help pay for the costs associated with keeping this website up and I appreciate everyone who’s ever advertised here.
  • Every post on BlytheLife has a little Twitter icon! If you liked the post that you just finished reading (like this one!) and want to share it others, you can by clicking on the button and approving it to show up on your Twitter feed!

And if you have any recommendations for new features that you think others would love to see on BlytheLife, let me know about it and maybe it could become a little something here! I like getting recommendations that can become posts here and I appreciate the kind words of encouragement that I’ve received from readers. So what are you waiting for? Get involved and be heard!

A name, a name, my kingdom for a name.

Written on November 6, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

This is my birthday doll! She is a Hi-Ho Marine Blythe, RBL+ mold. I will be deboxing her on my actual birthday and I’d like for her to have some kind of name when the time comes. Here she is!

Do you have any suggestions for names? Do you have a Hi-Ho Marine yourself? (What did you name yours?)

Birthday doll needs a name. :) Suggestions are welcome.

My other dolls have the following names, for those who are curious and want to give suggestions for this new lovely sunshiney-yellow doll: Sophie, Belarus, Tertiary Jane, Bennett, Eden Mouse, Kindred, Emmalynn, Moxie, Molybdenum (Mollie), Primrose, Lillian (Lily) Rose, Halo, Cedar, and Kitty Brighton.

QOTW: Do you have a doll blog?

Written on November 4, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

In a world where social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr are becoming more and more prevalent – for better or for worse, a lot less people are keeping active blogs these days. Case in point, I have a few other websites besides BlytheLife but BlytheLife is the only one that I actively update. Why? Because dolls are just so much more fun!

Hard at work!

In the past, I’ve done quite a few posts about blogging and how to set up a blog because I think that blogs still have a place in the internet world and they’re still relevant when it comes to communication and providing you, my lovely readers, with a place to go. Whether you’re reading this on your computer or on a tablet, blogs still have a huge presence on the World Wide Web and I do hope that you agree. It’s hard to keep up with a blog though! Not only do I have to write the content, there’s so many things that I do behind the scenes that you probably would never know about but it keeps things running smoothly so that the posts go up on time. Blogging is something that I’ve done for a long time now (since 2003!) and I think it’s a great medium to use to communicate with others, which is why I enjoy doing it so much! Dolls are, by far, my favourite topic to blog about. Especially when it comes to these big-eyed lovelies!

Do you have a doll blog?
(And if you want BlytheLife to link back to you, check out the Links page!)

365 Photo Ideas

Written on November 1, 2013 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article with tags:

37/365 - I'm trying to take my own photo

If you’ve been participating in a 365 project this year, and you started on January 1st, you’d be on photo number 305 of 365 today. When I was doing 365 (the first time around), it was hard to be creative past the first fifty photos. And even harder after 100, and every subsequent photo after that. By the time I got to 365, I was over taking photos and I didn’t really take any pictures of my dolls for the month or so after that. So for all those lovely people on photo 305 or even photo 30, here are some photo ideas for you:

  1. Have your doll take a “selfie” – bonus for having it at an odd angle (e.g. up the nose!) and blurry, like real selfies.
  2. Your girl with the top 15 clothing items or shoes that she wears.
  3. Dolly + Me photo
  4. Your doll with her very own cell phone, texting her dolly BFF.
  5. Have a coffee or dessert date with you and your doll.
  6. Have your doll sewing her own outfits for a change.
  7. Carefully balance her on top of your cat or dog (and hope they stay still with the promise of a treat!).
  8. Give your doll their own pet (I have a doll who would recommend a pocket T-rex as the ‘perfect pet’).
  9. Doll up your 365 girl in a red carpet-worthy dress.
  10. Take a photo of her reading her favourite Blythe blog!
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