QOTW: Is there controversy behind owning a fake?

Written on May 5, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

Fakes, factories, TBLs. Whatever you call them, they’re not made by nor sold by Takara as legitimate Blythes.  ADGs, long since discontinued, have not been ‘faked’ since or during the time that they were being actively manufacturered. ADGs have, however, gained in monetary value, especially those who are still mint in box.


Let’s consider this. If a person owns a fake designer bag, it’s still a fake (or counterfeit, if you want to use that term). And it’s fairly frowned upon. And yet, when it comes to Blythe, a lot of people turn a blind eye to the fact that someone has a TBL, or just ignore it altogether. Because there’s just so much joy when it comes to owning, and playing with, these wide-eyed dolls. Is it wrong to own a fake doll? In the ball-jointed doll community, a lot of people frown upon re-casted dolls – people still own them, enjoy them love them; but as a whole they’re still frowned upon, and some BJD forums even ban the resale of re-casted dolls. Yet not a lot of public frowning seems to come along when someone is announcing a new doll that happens to be a TBL, or selling a custom doll who’s origin are less than legitimate. I will admit that since people started scalp swapping (otherwise known as hybrid Blythes), it’s harder and harder to tell which are the ‘real’ Blythes (with minor alterations) and which are the factory, TBLs or fake Blythes. After all, people have been customizing these dolls since the beginning. Blythe makes a beautiful canvas that seems to know no bounds. A scalp swap here, a change in face-up there. It can be difficult to tell the difference between what is faked and what is customized.

Is there outrage over owning a fake doll? Is there a sense of controversy? Or do people not care at all about if there’s fakes floating around? What happens when someone sells a customized TBL as a real Blythe, either intentionally or unintentionally? It can be rather hard to tell them apart. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to tell (in a photo) if the doll is a fake or not, mostly because of the way the doll is positioned or customized. It can be difficult, especially if a hybrid doll is created from TBL and real Blythe parts. A FrankenBlythe, if you will.

Is there controversy behind owning a fake?

Musings for the (Upcoming) Summer

Written on May 2, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

As my courses wind to an end for the term, I start to think about summer (and yes, I am aware that it is May). Sure, I have summer classes that will probably make me curse the format of distance/online classes that are mandatory for my program, but isn’t that what school is all about? Making students grind their teeth? But on a more serious note, what am I going to be doing this summer in regards to Blythe?

Firstly: working on BlytheLife! I have lots of plans for upcoming posts, notably Blythe On A Budget posts, some DIYs in the future, perhaps some free patterns, more interviews, and, of course, giveaways! As my course load goes down, I will have some more time to devote to writing, which makes me immensely happy because Blythe is one of my favourite topics to go on and on about, too bad some people I know offline don’t think that Blythes are as fascinating of a topic.


Next I will be creating a wardrobe for Kitty Brighton. As previously stated, the poor thing doesn’t have many clothes and it’s starting to be really pitiful. She’s not nearly as demanding as Sophie is, but just as whiny. I’m surprised I made it this far without breaking down and just buying everything she could possibly need off of Etsy. Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for my bank account, I do have several pattern books with items that just might fit her fairly well. I’ve read that Odeco and Nikki patterns should fit Middie, so this is good news for Brighton!

As August comes nearer, I’m planning my trip to Seattle! I look forward to meeting people who share in my love for Blythe. As the day nears, I’ll be blogging about wardrobe planning for the dolls, and who will be the lucky few that will be going to BlytheCon with me. Chances are, very familiar dolls will be going with me. I have plans for catching up with friends, both new and old, and lots of shopping to do! I’ve been fairly restrained so far this year in terms of buying dolly things, so I’m looking forward to getting some new goodies for the girls.

And lastly, I will sewing my way into a wardrobe for the Blythes as well. I have so many Doll Coordinate Recipe books, that it’s such a shame that I haven’t been using them to their full potential just yet. I plan on sewing new pieces for my dolls to both further my sewing skills and to increase their wardrobe without completely breaking the bank. We’ll have to see how successful I am at it though, hopefully it goes okay!

What are your upcoming summer plans?

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