QOTW: How much do you create?

Written on September 29, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

On a good day, I sometimes pick up some knitting and knit away on whatever project that I have on the needles. At present time, that would be a pair of socks and, sadly, not something for the dolls. I’m not a prolific sewer, despite a fabric stash and other sewing things, and I probably have enough yarn to last me the next 20 years, despite always wanting to buy more because I don’t have that particular yarn… But I do, on occasion, make things for Blythe. I’ve sewn some dresses, knitted some dresses and cardigans, made some toques for them, but it’s not an every day sort of thing. I know some people create things for Blythe every single day and I applaud them for that because I don’t think it’s something that I could realistically do. Not do and do well, anyways. So for now, I stick to whatever project I have going on.

It just happens to not fit Blythe. Although I guess that they could use it for some kind of hat…?


How much do you create for Blythe?

One Response to “QOTW: How much do you create?”

  1. Jane AKA @maidensuit

    I wish I created more than I do… I usually just make hats when people ask me to, which is not terribly often. I think I burned myself out making over 100 of the same hat and I know some creators make WAY more than that. I can’t imagine it!

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