Musings of Wants
Written on November 14, 2014 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Musings
As the temperatures drop and there is a distinct chill in the air that makes me think that it’s going to snow soon (temperatures below 0°C always have been bundled in knits), it also puts me into the mood for the upcoming holidays. The holidays are the best because of all the togetherness, the decorated trees, the hot chocolate (!), and so much more. It’s also the time of the year that I start to really consider who’s on my nice list and what kind of presents I want to wrap up for people. Which, of course, leads to me thinking about what I want for the holidays. I spent quite a bit of time thinking about what people want – but what about me?! (The me-me-me attitude is leftover from my birthday, it’s mostly gone now!)
“Even stock, there is still only one of me. Any twin would be inferior!” – Bennett (MML)
Someone to pay off my student loans. Maybe a car (that has a good gas mileage). New winter boots! Chocolate – a lot of chocolate. And then it comes to the dolls. Well, Santa, I would love a new doll – it is no secret that I love Kenners, and I wouldn’t mind another Margaret Meets Ladybug (who remains, to this day, my absolute favourite stock doll). And some more doll shoes (and boots!), and perhaps a new camera – all for the better photography of dolls, of course. And maybe a few new carrier bags. Gosh, that seems like a lot, doesn’t it?
Doesn’t seem like too much to me. 😉
I would really love a camera myself, and a lighting kit for small scale photography. Those top the list. Of course, my girls are big animal lovers, so we would really like to get some of Charles Stephan’s delightful BJD creatures, too, but that is just dreaming.
Lighting kit! I’m going to yoink that to add to my list as well! 😉