QOTW: What are your Blythe goals?
Written on August 24, 2015 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Question of the Week
The great thing about attending a BlytheCon is the ability to admire other peoples’ dolls, their amazing work with doll clothing, and just get to meet new people in general! I met so many people, it was really fun! Of course, this also led me to considering my ‘goals’ for my life involving dolls.
I would (still) really love to add a BL to my doll family in the future. I’m partial the ones who are naturally more boggled and wouldn’t mind Parco, Mondrian, Goldie, or Kozy… I saw a lot of Goldies in Vancouver, that was a lot of fun!
I would very much love to start creating 1/6th scale furniture. There was some amazing work in that beautiful room box at one of the vendor tables! While I cannot afford the beautiful pieces (right now…), it would be fun to dabble in creating my own play scale furniture! It’d be a lesson in futility, I’m sure, as well as a potential lesson of “leaving such ventures to the professionals”…
Just once, I’d love to attend a BlytheCon with maybe more than a hundred dollars for spending. Oh yes, Blythe On A Budget is real when it comes to me and attending BlytheCon (this was true for Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver). I am very much looking forward to a day when I can afford to buy some more pricey doll items, not because they’re expensive and because I could – but because I really admire the craftsmanship behind details like tiny pin tucks and hand-embroidered designs. That and I really do think that Prim would look darling in most anything. I’d also love to attend a Blythe event outside of North America at least once, I think it’d be a really good experience and, plus, I love to travel and it’d be a great excuse to experience another country, soak in some culture and try some local cuisine. I love having new experiences, and travelling is an excellent way to do that.
What are your Blythe goals?
My goal is to not buy any more dolls, but enjoy the ones I have! And to finish all the reroots I want to do (there are a few bald LPS Blythes kicking around, waiting for new hair).
Your poor bald LPS Petites! I hope they get some hair soon 🙂
I want to try to do one of the month long photo challenges, and then one day try the blythe a day year challenge!
That’s a great goal! I really like photo challenges, even if I haven’t been entirely too successful with them myself! 😀
My goals are to finish the many projects I’ve started but not finished and to increase my dolly dressmaking skills. I also want to learn to photograph them better and perhaps invest in a studio light kit.
Learning how to be better at photography is a goal of mine too, I forgot to mention it.
My goals are to work on a few dresses that I planned to make. I still have fabric that I intended to make clothes from I bought a year ago! *^_^*
Oops! Hopefully you can make those dresses soon, I bet your Blythes are tired of tapping their feet and waiting for you to sew them 😉
Short term – make more dolly clothes and improve my skills. I’ve so far made a couple of skirts, a top and a boiled wool felt cape. Long term – own one of each of the Kenner blythe hair colours. I recently bought a brunette and would love a red head or blonde next but I think that will be a way off. I also really want to attend blythecon UK next year so hopefully it will be held somewhere relatively accessible (so not Brighton or Glasgow again). London would be doable but this year we got married so there was no chance of saving any pennies up.
My Blythe goal is to not buy anything until Blythefest. I’ve been good. I’ve seen heaps of amazing things that I’ve wanted to buy, but I always remind myself of three things: I like keeping my money, I’m going to save on postage by buying stuff at Blythefest, and of course, it’s just a hobby and not an obsession.
It’s been half a year since I made this goal, and I haven’t caved. I have, however, bought supplies to customize my Blythe–but those purchases don’t really count, right?
Man, I have a blog post about this sitting around, waiting to be finished. I want to take a new family portrait (I like to try and do it once a year) but with so many girls, it’s hard to find a good place and a good arrangement! I’ve also been trying to find a pull charm especially for my Coco Collette but I have such a specific thing in mind, I can’t find something that seems right. It’s an ongoing goal! Those are just two off the top of my head!