Middie Monday #6

Written on November 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

Middie Monday is a feature that is published on the first Monday of each month! A guaranteed monthly post on Blythe’s little sister – Middie! If you have any suggestions for a future Middie Monday post, please send me an email or use my Suggestions form!

Happy November! My November has started off amazingly well, what with a local Halloween-ish Blythe meet yesterday on November 1st. November is often one of my favourite months for a myriad of reasons – this year is no exception with the annual occurence of my birthday and the beginnings of a new career/job/work-thing. Being an adult (do adults call themselves this?) has never been equal parts terrifying and exciting, all at the same time.

That say, the meet! It was delightfully Halloween-themed with great decorations, lights, spider (!) cupcakes, and the host’s beautiful Middies. It’s just really fun to see Middies that I don’t own because it’s nice to see dolls in person as opposed to seeing them in photographs. While there are some amazing photographs of dolls out there, I find seeing them in person is always a lot nicer and gives me a better idea of what they truly look like. You never know if someone’s edited the photo (case in point, I definitely used an Instagram filter on this image):


Unfortunately, I didn’t bring any Middies to the meet with me (which gave me the great opportunity to fawn over those that were there!), I brought a haunted little girl and a squid. Reusing customs is a good thing.


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