QOTW: Lies you told yourself?

Written on July 19, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

BlytheLife posts over the next couple of weeks may be on different days that normal as BlytheLife HQ is a) moving, b) will be without internet at the new location for a week and a half, and c) I will be very, very busy (unfortunately). Please bear with me as I work behind the scenes in making my new house a home.

“I only need one Blythe.”

This is something that I told myself early on after buying Sophie, my first Blythe and my Cappuccino Chat. It took me a month to get my second Blythe (Belarus, a Love Mission). I also said to myself that “I don’t need another Blythe”, and then that ultimately results in me buying a new Blythe. Such is life!


“I don’t need that dress.”

“Or those shoes.”

“Or that hat.”

I tell myself those lies quite a bit. But the truth is that while I don’t need them, I want them, which then leads me to the inevitable purchase because why not?

And my most favourite doll related lie that I’ve told myself?

“I’m only going to buy one thing this month for the dolls.”

What are some lies that you’ve told yourself in regards to Blythe?

5 Responses to “QOTW: Lies you told yourself?”

  1. K. AKA @MaidenCanada

    What haven’t I told myself…it is bananas how many things and dolls I have after saying I only need one.

  2. Gillian says:

    I totally agree with K.AKA’s comment…. 😀

  3. Susan says:

    I only need one Blythe, I will buy clothes only for her, and that I will sew a lot for her. Lies! All lies! Good luck with your move and homemaking. 🙂

  4. Ashlie AKA @BrickleBears

    I can pay my bills next month; I need this doll.

  5. Katie says:

    “I can afford it!”

    Cut to the day before payday when I’m putting $5 in the gas tank and cursing myself for doing it AGAIN!

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