Written on May 10, 2017 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

We are going to completely ignore the fact that my Petites aren’t wearing very spring-summer clothing. This is because I don’t actually have spring-summer Petite-sized clothing for them. (I’m a bad dolly owner, aren’t I?) That said, I actually got them off the doll shelf for a photo and what I did do was marvel at how small they are. Yes, they are called Petites, but still – they’re small!
Today is just a little bit of a Petite Appreciation Day. They often get over looked and ignored – partially because of their size, partially because they’ll never be quite as popular as their Neo-sized big sisters.
How many Petites do you have? Besides these three, I have one more (named Pipsqueak). She’s in an even more winter-themed outfit (complete with a toque!) so I didn’t take a photo of her as well. I have two LPS Petites (stock), one custom Takara Petite and one stock Takara Petite. I think they’re pretty cute! I wouldn’t mind getting a few more Petites in the future, since they don’t take up a lot of space. They’re handy as little travel companions, but the thing I find most difficult with Petites is finding clothes for them as not a lot of people sew for these teeny tiny dolls. While I do own a lot of pattern books and they do have Petite-sized clothes in them, I don’t have the motivation to sew that small…

Top photo (left to right): Shrimp and Chickadee.
Bottom photo: Lark (Sirenita custom).
Written on May 1, 2017 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags: middie, middie monday
Happy first day of May! I’d post that Justin Timberlake meme, but I’m sure you will see that elsewhere (on Facebook… on Instagram…). It’s the first Monday of the month, which means it’s time for Middie Monday!
I was terribly uninspired in the month of April for all things Blythe. I’m not sure what happened there. I had some time off from work for vacation, which really just turned into a whole lot of time off from the internet in general because I spent a lot of time outside of my home doing things, and going places and making plans! Now that I’m back at work, I’ve had a bit of time to get back into a routine and I’m all energized again to do things with my dolls. Mostly because I have a lot of sets of eyes looking disapprovingly at me whenever I leave the house without them.
I have some projects on my knitting needles right now, but they’re not done yet so I’ll probably have photos available for next month’s Middie Monday (this is also partially because some of those projects are for a swap – even if my Middies will get a chance to model before I ship things off). But until then, you get the following photo mostly because I think it’s hilarious (and proof that I actually changed outfits on one of my dolls for the first time in forever?):

Middie Monday is a feature that is published on the first Monday of each month! A guaranteed monthly post on Blythe’s little sister – Middie! If you have any suggestions for a future Middie Monday post, please send me an email or use my Suggestions form!
Written on April 3, 2017 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags: middie monday
It’s a Monday and I have Middies so it must be Middie Monday!
I’ve been attempting to craft more for the Middie girls lately, experimenting and trying to draft new patterns. I’m not going to show you the (failed) attempts at new patterns because they’re a) ugly and b) don’t actually fit properly. Back to the drawing board for me! Although after getting super frustrated, I turned to a tried-and-true pattern that I created to just have a ‘winning’ project:

Middie clothes are just so much smaller and quicker to knit up than Neo-sized pieces. Almost like instant gratification.
But I have been doodling new outfit ideas, and mostly it’s just colour variations for patterns that I’ve already established fit the dolls. I really want to nail down a knitted romper pattern for the Middies, as it seems like a summer-ish kind of outfit to do.
Mostly because I suck at sewing.
Written on March 31, 2017 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings
A minor announcement, my Sunday Best (BL) finally has a name. Surprisingly, this is not the longest I’ve gone without settling on a name for a doll. A long, long time ago, I had bought a Fancy Pansy. I never unboxed her, she never got a name, and then I rehomed her. But that isn’t happening with Miss Sunday Best because she has a name!
Wilhelmina is pleased to meet you. She may go by Willa casually.

(Hopefully, I don’t decide to change her name next week.)
Wilhelmina’s wearing: dress/Endangered Sissy.
Written on March 1, 2017 at 1:30 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings
Lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve been “neglecting” some of my dolls and lets face it, that’s probably true. I’ve been busy with all the things and while I have knitting projects on the go for Blythe right now (either clothing or accessories), I’ve gotten to the point where I have multiple projects on the go and none of them are done (yet – maybe soon?).

I decided to pluck one of my dolls off my shelf this week to ‘spend time with’, as it were. The goal was to change her outfit (didn’t happen), take some photos, and then snow happened outside and I wasn’t able to freeze for dolly photos (I am clearly not that adventurous). It was nice to spend some quiet time with a doll without the expectation that I needed her to model something, or to try on something that I was making. It was like low expectations for my dolly time and it fit me perfectly well.
For those new to BlytheLife, this is Eden Mouse. She’s a lover of pink and all things cute and girly. Her haircut essentially makes her my very-younger-self’s mini-me. She’s one of my first dolls that has short hair, and bangs, as well as my first NRFB doll that had major issues (her stock hair cut was awful!), and also the first doll to have a fairly well-defined persona. Eden is very easy to love.
But for those wondering where my slightly more in-depth posts are… I do have a knitting pattern coming up next week! And the start of the March Talent Showcase is this Friday.
Eden Mouse’s wearing: hat/made by me, shirt/Luxie Lou.