An Accidental Collection: Doll House Books

Written on October 14, 2015 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

One of my favourite things about the Blythe community is when people share their photos of the dioramas, room boxes, and general ‘scenes’ with the cute miniature furniture, the tiny dishes and food stuffs, and the animals. A favourite, that I do not own, is a certain Re-Ment cat in a litter box – hilarious! This love of seeing photos of amazing doll room set-ups led me down a rabbit hole of looking at miniature blogs and into the fascinating world of traditional doll houses. The 1:12 world is a beautiful and detailed place, but it is also much too small for Blythe as she is defiant at 1:6 scale – playscale, just like her fellow doll Barbie.


That doesn’t, however, stop me from being terribly fascinated with the world of traditional doll houses and all there is to learn about doll houses and making miniatures. I personally own a fair bit of books on creating doll houses and the furnishings that go into them. Much like my love for sewing patterns/books for Blythe, these books often serve more as eye candy than as how-to guides as I don’t get to the point where I want to pull out a saw and a sheet of plywood to cobble together something that resembles a room box. These books are amazing, and I am always in awe of how detailed a miniature world can be.


So while I currently don’t have the time (or funds, or space) to put together miniatures and a house for my Blythes, I do have inspirational materials on my shelf that are really beautiful. The majority of books and other resources out there are primarily for 1:12 scale world, but I figured that things can be extrapolated and still used to make things from the playscale world as the instructions for how to put something together still applies. I feel that the dollhouse books pull together many of my interests together: dolls, miniatures, crafting/DIY-ing, and a love for good photography in good books.

This accidental collection does make me very happy though, mostly because it makes me thing that such things re potentially possible one of these days!

Do you have a doll house or a room box? How much of it (and it’s furnishings) did you create yourself?