Friday Five: 011

Written on July 27, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article with tags:

Every month’s last Friday (almost every month…) is part of a feature on, Freebie Friday Five. Welcome everyone to this month’s instalment! I mention 5 things I love every month that’s free to do/read/see. It’s been renamed to Friday Five from Freebie Friday Five.

If you have any suggestions for next month’s Friday Five, please don’t hesitate to email me! Maybe you have a site you think that I should feature or a pattern that’s free and up on the web? Tell me!

For the month of July, I wanted to include blog posts that I loved reading and I think other people would enjoy them.

  1. Getting your doll out in public” from the blog My Plastic Fantasy – a great article about how to get out there and take photos of your doll in public, something that I still need work on.
  2. A DIY tutorial on a Blythe Flower Crown from the blog Crafty Girl – a cute tutorial that shows you how to use ribbons and fake flowers to make a cute flower crown for your favourite dolly.
  3. A post on a new project that’s being undertaken by a member of the Blythe community from the blog Doll House Studio.
  4. Awesome tutorial on how to sew collars for Blythe dresses over at Oh Strumpets! Blythe too! that I highly recommend!
  5. Over at, there was a post about the restoration of a redheaded Kenner – and we all know how much I love a good restoration story!

If you know of a site, group or activity that you think I should highlight in next month’s Friday Five, let me know! Comment below or email me.

2 Responses to “Friday Five: 011”

  1. Emily Wind says:

    Thank-you SO much for linking to me here! I love this blog, its so awesome! I am really glad you liked my tutorial! Have a lovely day! xoxo, Emily

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