2014 Blythe Holiday Shopping Guide: Part 3

Written on December 3, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
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Welcome to the third, and last, installment of the 2014 Blythe Holiday Shopping Guide! This is part 3 of a 3 part mini-series to help those who are trying to figure out what to buy for themselves, or what to buy for the Blythe-lover in their life. In the first week, I mentioned some goodies for the dolly customizer in your life, and in week two it was all about the general Blythe enthusiast. What’s in store for part 3? Read on!

There is a very distinct crispness in the air. There’s a unique crunch when I step onto snow, there’s that smell that the air gets when it is about the snow, and there’s that delicate fluff that melts on my tongue. I am, of course, talking about snow. But no matter if you’re in a place that is currently winter or summer, it is still December which means that the number of days you have until the gift-giving winter holiday of your personal choice is fast approaching! There are some bigger (and smaller) ticket items on this week’s list, so keep one eye on your bank account! Click to read more of this entry.

QOTW: Your Dolly Winter Must-Haves?

Written on December 1, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

20141201Cameo wears: black helmet (made by me), rainbow scarf with fringe (made by me), Chill Chasers faux fur coat (vintage Skipper, 1966), cat dress (Plastic Fashion), cat tights (Endangered Sissy), squishy brown boots (vintage Barbie).

It is starting off to be a chilly December! My dolls’ must-haves of the wintery season include, and is not limited to, the following:

  • A good winter jacket
  • A warm toque (wooly hat, for those that do not speak Canadian)
  • A scarf (bonus points if it has a fringe!)
  • A good pair of boots (extra bonus points if they are fashionable)
  • And lots (and lots!) of candy canes.

What are your dolly winter must-haves?

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