QOTW: What is the name of your first Blythe?

Written on November 9, 2015 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

What’s in a name, really? Sometimes I look back and wonder what I was possibly thinking with some of the names I’ve given my Blythes – but the idea of having to come up with a new name stops me in my tracks from coming up with something new.


My very first Blythe was a Cappuccino Chat (she’s an RBL) that I named Sophie. If you’ve been reading for a while, you may recognize her from Love, Sophie (her very own column) or various other posts. I’m not sure why I named her Sophie, I really couldn’t tell you right now. I do know that I bought her first and then named her. Which was the opposite of what I did for Blythe #2 (Belarus, a Love Mission [EBL]). Sophie was followed by all the rest of my dolls, but she will always be the Queen Bee around here.

What is the name of your first Blythe?

10 Responses to “QOTW: What is the name of your first Blythe?”

  1. K. AKA @MaidenCanada

    She is a Natasha Moore named Pavlova

  2. Lynsey says:

    I first is a Tea for Two I call Mia.

  3. Kirsten AKA @lady_kire

    A Mademoiselle Rosebud named Ashley.

  4. Andi B. Goode AKA @andibgoode

    Mine is a Simply Sparkly Spark called Beau, which I later extended to Beau R. Garde, because her hair made me think of the scene in Willy Wonka when Violet Beauregarde turns into a blueberry haha

  5. Ashlie AKA @BrickleBears

    My first Blythe is a Simply Mango named Mollie Noel.

  6. Naomi AKA @AgentOwen

    My first two Blythes arrived on the same day. I have a customized Asian Butterfly encore I named Mollee and my poor attempt to customize myself Casual Affair I named Tash.

  7. Pauleen Potter AKA @PauleenPotter

    The names I give to my dolls usually tell something about them. For example, five years ago I bought my first 2 Blythe dolls: a Neo and a Petite. My Neo Blythe is a Simply Thumpty Thump and because her hair is a light purple colour, I named her Violet. My Petite Blythe Pure Punthic’s name is also based on her hair colour and her name is Cerise.

  8. Anne AKA @anneheathen

    My first Blythe was a secondhand Prima Dolly Ashlette who I named Willow (after my favorite character from Buffy).

  9. Katie says:

    A factory girl with bright yellow, almost greenish hair which inspired the name Chlorine.

  10. Susan says:

    When I first started collecting back in 2001/2, I didn’t name my dolls. When I came back to the hobby in summer of 2015, I named my first girl, a Lorshek, January. I love that girl!

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