When did I get so many dolls?!

Written on May 6, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

I was recently having a conversation with a friend who asked me how many dolls I had now, and my go to answer was “Ummm… *mentally does some math* 16 Blythes with uhh, 2 Middies and 4 Petites.” This brought up the response of “Wait, weren’t you at like 8 recently? When did you get so many?”.

That is an excellent question (sort of), and I try not to think too hard about how many dolls that I have or how quickly I’ve acquired them, but it really isn’t that quick as one would assume. I’ve been collecting and acquiring dolls since 2009, so coming up on 7 years in June. In 2009, I got my first three Blythes (Sophie/Cappuccino Chat, Belarus/Love Mission, and Tertiary Jane/Simply Peppermint) and I maintained that increase by three dolls per year for a while. In 2010, I went up by three (Bennett/Margaret Meets Ladybug, Eden Mouse/Punkaholic People, Kindred/Velvet Minuet) as did 2011 (Emmalynn/Kenner, Moxie/Simply Bubble Boom, Mollie/Simply Sparkly Spark).


2012 saw me go up by three as well, but with two of the three being Kenners (Primrose and Lillian Rose), as well as my first custom (Halo, a Friends With Blythe customized Prima Dolly Saffy). I also added three in 2013, are you noticing a trend yet? I added Kitty Brighton (Jackie Ramone Middie) as my first Middie, Cedar (Monique Magnifique), and Minnow (Hi-Ho! Marine). If I had been adding at a rate of three per year, I would be up to 21 by the end of this year and so far I’m doing okay! 2014 saw me only add two dolls to the family (Cameo, another Friends With Blythe custom; and Lydia Melbourne, a Yellow Marshmallow Middie). In 2015 I did amazingly well because I was scrimping during my unemployment (and saving for BlytheCon Vancouver spending money) and only added one doll to the family – Lark, the I.G. Sirenita Petite who was a gift from my sister (after she’d won her from the raffle), although I usually don’t “count” Petites into my doll count because they’re so small and I only have four right now. And then that takes us to 2016, where I’ve added one Petite and one Mondrian.


If we don’t count the Petites (which I often don’t – sorry little ones!), that means that I average about 2.25 dolls per year. Which isn’t bad! I do have plans on adding an ADG soon, to round out the family a little bit, so that’ll skew with my numbers a little bit – but overall it’s not a huge surplus in dolls all the time. If I had the money, I’d probably increase the size of my collection by more than two-to-three dolls a year, but as it currently stands I have more pressing matters to contend with when it comes to if I can spend money on dolls (the answer is usually no, but that doesn’t stop me from watching auctions and paying attention to what’s going online when it comes to buying/selling dolls).

Tiny Shoe Love #13

Written on May 4, 2016 at 3:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article with tags:


These are a pair of the tiniest shoes that I own, the tiniest of the tiny because they are sized for Petites! If you’ve never seen a Petite before, their feet are super small – just 10mm in length and 4mm in width, talk about small! I have zero clue which doll these shoes were originally released with (potentially with an LPS?) as I received Lark fully customized and dressed.



Lark is an I.G. Sirenita custom Petite that my sister won at BlytheCon Vancouver 2015 (and later gave to me). I included a pair of Neo-sized purple boots for size comparison between the sizes – it’s crazy!

Tiny Shoe Love is a feature on to showcase and share doll shoes that grace Michelle’s picky dolls’ feet. We love tiny shoes in this house, and we hope you do too!

Middie Monday #12

Written on May 2, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

I was chatting with a doll friend recently (who asked to remain anonymous) and we were talking about Middies, and then she said this gem:

I don’t really get the point of them.

The point? The point is that they’re cute! They’re adorable and pocket-sized! They have even tinier feet that demands a tiny shoe collection all to themselves! But I don’t throw all of these points at her, instead I simply go “What do you mean?” – the response I got wasn’t surprising, but was a good point.

20160502“I’m worth every penny!”

On a good day, a Middie costs roughly the same as a Neo Blythe – but she doesn’t have the same characteristics as a Blythe. For instance, a Middie doesn’t have the famed changing eyes that a Blythe has, instead she has a dial and can just move her eyes from side to side (much like a Pullip). The functionality isn’t the same as one doll has one set of eyes, the other has four.

Isn’t the whole point of Blythe is to have the oversized head and the changing eyes?

I thought about this – and I thought it was a yes and no type of answer to that question. Yes, the classic (vintage) Blythe was well known (and feared by children?) for having the changing eye colours. That’s also one of the features that drew me to her when I first discovered Blythe on the internet because it was quirky, weird, and cute. But I tend to consider Middie to be a different doll altogether. Sure, she shares a lot of similar qualities with Blythe (large head to body radio, similar facial features), but she’s not a smaller version of her big sister.

Middie is her own doll-self (so to speak). After all, nobody looks at Petites and go “Ugh, she doesn’t have changing eyes like Blythe does!”.

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