(Un?)Common Misconceptions about Blythe

Written on April 13, 2011 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article

These are some of the misconceptions that I had about Blythe when I was first entering into the hobby, I find that many of them are shared with many other people in the community as well. How many did you believe to be true when you were a newbie in the dolly community?

  1. You will only need/want/have 1 Blythe doll, ever.  (I have seven dolls now.)
  2. You will only create/sew/design your own doll clothes and not buy any. (While I have bought fabric and other sewing supplies for doll clothing, most of my dolls wear stock clothing or things made by other people or commerically produced doll clothes [eg. Skipper].)
  3. You will find customizing incredibly easy and not nerve wracking. (So no true. Sticking hot glue sticks to an expensive $$$ doll’s eyes makes me so nervous!)
  4. You will not be mildly ridiculed by your family/friends/assorted loved ones over a doll purchase. (My sisters all kind of shook their heads at me. My parents think it’s “cute”, but a waste of money. My boyfriend thinks they’re awesome, besides the evil looking eye colours [orange and pink, which looks red when the lighting is off].)
  5. You realize that there are a lot of acronyms in the hobby and there is no way that you will never be able to know what most of them mean. (Too bad my brain can’t hold onto information about physics like it does doll acronyms! BDD, EBL, CP, FBL, GDD, BK, TIB, VM, SP, LM, MML, DD, AA, ABe, RR, ADG, KB…)
  6. Your photos will never look as good as [insert name here] or [insert name here]. (Okay, this one is true, but I can, on the very rare occasion, take photographs that I’m not ashamed of putting online for others to see! Natural lighting is a huge help, same with having clothes that don’t clash with a doll’s hair.)
  7. You will be the youngest/oldest/oddest person in the Blythe community. (While I can’t give you any guarantees that you won’t be the oddest, there are a lot of people in the hobby and chances are that there will always be someone older than you or someone younger than you.)
  8. You will be able to stop after that 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Blythe. (Yes, I thought this too. I justified some dolls as they were older releases/inexpensive!/limited edition, but I always seem to have my eye out for that 8th member of my doll family!)

6 Responses to “(Un?)Common Misconceptions about Blythe”

  1. Naomi AKA @AgentOwen

    So true! The acronyms throw me every time and I have to go online just to understand what they are talking about. I’m lucky I don’t get ridiculed. My mother loves each and every one of my gang of 9. She even asked me what the likelyhood of bringing one home from Blythecon would be!

  2. Heather AKA @claribari

    Sooooo true! I am up to five and certainly not stopping anytime soon. Some of my family refuse to even talk about the dolls…but my husband has dealt with it, and my five month old daughter smiles at them everytime she sees them! <3

  3. Hana AKA @initialshh

    I think I was one of the few who didn’t think for a moment I was going to stop at one—I bought two to begin with :p 5 is my happy place and while I’ve gone as far as 7 I am good about letting one go when I bring one in.

  4. Mary AKA @miss_bellatrix

    I just stumbled upon Blythelife and I love it! I am new to the hobby – just got my first girl back in June. This list is great…and so true! The acronyms are still a huge thing for me though but I’m slowly learning them! Thanks for creating such an awesome site 🙂

  5. Rhea says:

    So true! I think I’ll be fine with one blythe though, we’ll see. (:

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