QOTW: What is your favourite miniature item?
Written on June 25, 2012 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Question of the Week
There are a lot of little things that I own that I love to use in photo props. There’s so much Re-Ment and other brands of miniatures out there that I’m sure there are many favourites. Miniatures can add such realism to the photo, bringing the dolls to life and it just makes it more interesting sometimes. My favourites? Laptop. Some of my girls like surfing the internet while I’m not at home…
What’s your favourite miniature item?
I have a doll sized hot pink locker, I love it
That’s cool! I also love little dishes, especially wine bottles & glasses 😀
I made mini kitchens paperwork for Cassie, and I think that was one of my favorite props. I was so pleased with how it scaled down, and I also had pens, her stapler, calculator, etc. Office supplies are so fun.
Ohhh, where’d you get little office supplies? (Re-ment?)
I love the doll furniture that is upholstered with cute fabric. The plastic furniture looks kind of “neon” to me. I would really love to try my hand at making some from tutorials I have seen online. So far I have just bought some off of Ebay and enjoy setting up scenes using the furniture with my dollies and their toys and pets.