Pinterest and Blythe

Written on October 17, 2012 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article

Who here has heard of Pinterest? I bet a lot of hands just went up!

Pinterest is a fun site where you can “pin” things to your “boards” – virtual bulletin boards where you never run out of room or thumbtacks, how awesome is that? If you haven’t already managed to get sucked in, you should probably run away – and run fast! It’s can be very addicting, so if you don’t want to spend copious amounts of time on the internet (or on your phone – there are Pinterest apps for Apple & Android), look away!

But for those that do love virtual bulletin boards and the idea of being able to “pin” tutorials, favourite photos and more – there’s a Pinterest account out there waiting for you.

I personally have a board dedicated to Blythe where I “pin” (usually I “repin” photos/ideas that others have found first) so I can keep everything together and look back at it one day (one of these days).

If you have a Pinterest account and you pin Blythe things, let me know your screen name!

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