QOTW: What interferes with your Blythe time?

Written on January 5, 2015 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week


New year, new obstacles to over come.

What interferes with my Blythe time? School, work, friends, boyfriend, family, studying (more studying), cooking, cleaning, and the very important sleep. That and time for commuting, because that sucks up some time as well! Life outside of my winter break clearly takes up a lot of my doll time. It was a lot nicer and care-free when I didn’t have school or anything to deal with. There was a lot more time for dolls and doing doll things. A lot more time.

What interferes with your Blythe time?

4 Responses to “QOTW: What interferes with your Blythe time?”

  1. Heather AKA @claribari

    Work. Evil no good work. The commute to evil work. The lack of sleep due to working all the time and getting up way too early. Packing in all that is good in my life to evenings and weekends and feeling like I never get anything done or get to relax or catch up…

    But I digress…

  2. Jane AKA @maidensuit

    The fact that I live with people who eyeball me like I’m doing The Weirdest Thing Ever if I’m photographing them out where there’s light or whatever. It really holds me back from taking pictures. Sometimes I can deal with it and let the comments they make roll off my back, and sometimes I just don’t feel like hearing their snark.

  3. karrie says:

    I’m a stay at home, work at home, homeschooling parent of 3 children, wife, and live with 2 doggies as well 😉

  4. Pauleen Potter AKA @PauleenPotter

    Just everyday annoying life stuff is what keeps me away from my hobbies :/ Then again, when I do have time for my hobbies, I’m the happiest person on Earth 😀

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