Celebrating Birthdays
Written on December 5, 2012 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Musings with tags: FBL, Moxie, SBB
I don’t always remember when my dolls arrived to my house. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I’ve remembered a birthday here and there, but I generally don’t make it a point to do anything for my dolls’ birthdays. With twelve girls and a bunch of (human) friends and family, I have a hard time remember when other people’s birthdays are and the dates the girls arrived.
Yesterday (the 4th) marked the anniversary of when I received Moxie (Simply Bubble Boom). In the year she’s been here, Moxie got herself a fraternal twin sister (Mollie – Simply Sparkly Spark) who has a different birthday, went on a road trip and got herself some new chips!
I always write down on my journal the day my dolls arrive or come home with me. Perhaps I don’t celebrate their birthdays, but I like to see at the end of the year how many new members were added to the family 🙂
I compiled a list of when they arrived (after searching through photo dates forEVER to figure out when Cassie’s bday was.) Then I started writing it in their flickr set for easy reference. I don’t always ‘celebrate’ but it is nice to know! We don’t have any bdays around here until Fawn in February.