Love, Sophie: A doll’s resolutions

Written on January 8, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
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Hello fashionistas! It’s 2016 and I’m here to share my personal new year resolutions (which Michelle was not kind enough to share with you all last week when it was actually January 1st…). And I know what you might be all thinking, what could a doll possibly have to have resolutions about or changes that she might want to make in her life and it’s really quite simple. Just because I’m a doll does not mean that I don’t have goals too. That’s elitist. Or something. Humanist? Discriminatory against dolls? Don’t be dollist.


Anyways, what I want to say about my goals. My goals this year include:

#1 – Making sure that Michelle doesn’t bring another doll to live here. There’s just too many. Yes, I know the overall count only went up by one this year, but that’s still too much. (Lark, I’m looking at you!)

#2 – Making sure that Michelle remembers to buy me something new at least once a month. That isn’t something new for the entire family, for me only. Full stop. I’m still the Queen around here not “Princess” Prim, thanks.

2016 is the Year of Sophie, and I won’t let Michelle forget it.

Sophie’s wearing: dress/Dollies Love Dresses, tiara/unknown.


Sophie is a mostly stock Cappuccino Chat that came to live with me in June 2009. She loves shoes, new clothes, playing with her hair, fashion, magazines full of fluff and shopping. She aspires to be a model and would like to model for some of the ‘great’ dolly fashion houses one day.

Bad Dolly Owner Confessions #1

Written on January 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

I think Kindred (my Velvet Minuet) has been in her current outfit for over a year. And sometimes I feel bad about it, and then I pop a new hat on her and that helps to alleviate any guilt I feel for not spending more time with my dolls. And even still, with this photo I took of her recently:


I didn’t even get a different dress to give her an outfit change. This is mostly because I love how cute the vintage print is on her and also because I wasn’t feeling entirely inspired when taking this photo. This is a very good example of why I am not good at 365 photography challenges and other like challenges. I’m realizing that working and sleeping take a lot of time away from the dolls!

Are you sometimes a bad dolly owner? Share below!

Kindred’s wearing: dress/vintage, hat/Hysteric Candy.

Middie Monday #8

Written on January 4, 2016 at 7:05 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

Middie Monday is a feature that is published on the first Monday of each month! A guaranteed monthly post on Blythe’s little sister – Middie! If you have any suggestions for a future Middie Monday post, please send me an email or use my Suggestions form!

It’s been an awesome 8 months having a dedicated day for Middies! I’ve been trying to focus a bit on Blythe’s middle sister because she seems so underrated at times. My Middie-related goal of crafting their wardrobe still remains the same, which means the poor dears have been wearing the same outfits for quite a while now and often rotate between the small handful of outfits that I do have for them. It’s hard though, finding time to craft for them because the little sleeves are a bit fiddly and (if I’m being completely honest) I prefer knitting socks for me over clothes for them – if only because I actually feel changes in temperature and I adore wool socks versus the Middies being made of plastic and not actually being able to care about weather and temperature changes. (Sorry if I burst anyone’s bubble, but that’s the way it works around here!)


That isn’t the say that I won’t continue to craft for the Middies – they won’t be getting new clothes otherwise so I definitely will! But with it being winter, I’m more likely to continue to knit for myself over them. But the great thing is that leftover yarn from projects I do for myself wind up being put into a bag for doll-related knits! It’s really a win-win situation (if you don’t think about it too much) because it means that I get hand knits and so do the Middies!

I recently toyed with the idea of adding a third Middie to the doll family (the Alice in Wonderland-inspired Mary Ann was quite high on the list of wants!), but then I realize that it would mean that the handful of clothes that my Middies do have would be split between three dolls instead of two, and that just seemed like a really mean thing to do.

It’s 2016!

Written on January 1, 2016 at 1:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:


2016 is the first year since before I started kindergarten that I am not in school, which is kind of an amazing feat in itself. I’m very excited to begin a new year! It’ll be the first full year of me working ever in my life (previous work included temporary positions and part-time jobs), which is pretty exciting. As I work to save up for some necessities to my life (e.g. car, saving to move out), I also hope that 2016 will perhaps be the year that I finally get a BL to call my very own. Besides the ADG, the BL is the only mold of Blythe that I am missing. Maybe I’ll get both and round out the doll family!

For now, my doll family hasn’t grown too much in 2015, with my latest addition being little Lark – whom I adore. You’ll be seeing a lot of her in 2016, maybe I’ll even get around to sewing some teeny tiny clothes for her?

2015 was a big year, what with organizing and hosting BlytheCon Vancouver. I couldn’t have done it without my fellow organizers (Chun, Juliet, and Angel)! It was certainly a labour of love that resulted in an amazing donation to a fantastic organization that we all truly believe in (O.W.L.).

Happy new year, everyone! I wish you all the best for 2016!

What are your doll-related goals for 2016?

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