Tiny Shoe Love #14

Written on September 2, 2016 at 1:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article with tags:

It’s been a while since I’ve gushed about tiny shoes here on BlytheLife, so I wanted to draw some attention to these lovelies:



I picked these up at a local Blythe meet up when a friend was destashing shoes and they just called to me. They’re a nice camel colour (or beige, or tan, if you’d rather make them sound less sophisticated…), with a mold stitch and lace-up design. There’s even line details for where the heel meets the sole, along with a partial slit up the back of the boots to allow for ease of putting them on and taking them off. I really wish I could tell you where to buy these, because I wish I could get them in more colours. Alas, there are no markings on these boots, so my dreams of owning these in dark brown, black, and perhaps even a cream are gone.


Do you have tiny shoes in your collection that you’re unsure of the origins of as well? It’s an unfortunate thing to not know where to get more of the same design! I know I definitely have multiple pairs that I could not, for the life of me, tell you where they came from. On the other hand, if I did know where I could get more, this would probably be bad information for my wallet…

Tiny Shoe Love is a feature on to showcase and share doll shoes that grace Michelle’s picky dolls’ feet. We love tiny shoes in this house, and we hope you do too!

Your Thoughts on Preordering a Blythe?

Written on August 31, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

Preordering a Blythe through a reputable Blythe retailer is one of the best ways to get a new release doll at (or close to) the manufacturer’s suggested retail price, MSRP. The unfortunate thing with preordering a Blythe doll is that it usually has to be done based off of the concept illustration and not off of the product promotional images. This is one of the reasons why I’ve never gone through with a preorder based off of an illustration prior to this new Devi Delacour (is it October yet?!).

In a way, it is a smart marketing tactic because it helps the manufacturer determine the potential popularity of a new doll and they can figure out how many to order from the factory. On the other hand, given that the dolls are not inexpensive, it could make it more difficult to bring in new buyers based off of illustrations, or buyers in the community who have been burned before from an impulse purchase.

20160831The best impulse Middie purchase ever.

I’m in the category of where I generally like to know what something looks like before I buy it (this mentality does not transfer over to blind bag purchases – of which I love doing because who doesn’t love surprises?). I’ve never preordered from an illustration prior to Devi Delacour because I like knowing what I’m getting, and I generally like seeing photos taken by fellow hobbyists over the promotional photography because it’s nice to see the doll outside of their stock clothes. This also did not apply when Jackie Ramone’s promotional photographs were made public because as soon as I saw her, I had to have her (and then promptly went and bought her – I think I may have a problem with impulse buying dolls on occasion…).

What are your thoughts on preordering a Blythe doll? Have you ever preordered a doll based on an illustration? How about the promotional photos? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

QOTW: The Cure of Summer-Ending Blues?

Written on August 29, 2016 at 4:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week

It’s cooled significantly over the last few days where I live – helped by the fact that it actually rained for the first time in over a month! With the cooler weather, it reminds me all too well that summer is coming to an end There’s back-to-school sales on in all the big shops and it also reminds me that I am not going back to school this autumn for the second time in my life since I started kindergarten way back when. With weather and temperature changes, it’s got me a little it down about the impending end of summer – so I decided to focus on some happy, upcoming things!


Life at the BlytheLife Headquarters has been both monotonous and exciting at the same time. There’s still unpacking and organizing to do, and I do get into quite the routine when it comes to the days that I have work (wake up, go to work, work, get home, eat, sleep – rinse and repeat). On my days off, I try to pack as much as I can since I don’t do much outside of eating, working, and sleeping on the days that I do work (12 hour shifts do not allow for a lot of extra activities). I did preorder a new doll – if you haven’t already seen her, I preordered the October 2016 release, Devi Delacour, from Junie Moon. I’m pretty excited, she’ll be my first preorder that I’ve gotten strictly off of an illustration and not official product photos. Gosh, I hope she turns out well! So while I’ve made my Blythe life slightly more exciting by ordering a new doll, I also have to wait until October to get my hands on her, which is a bit annoying. But, I digress, because there’s more news to cure the end of summer blues!

BlytheLife has hit over 900 likes on the Facebook page – which is very exciting for two important reasons: because 900! and because it’ll be giveaway time! I’m working on procuring the giveaway prize (prizes?? Haven’t decided yet!) and will be sharing details on the giveaway and what the prize(s) will be after I get them in hand, so realistically the giveaway will happen sometime in September.

How do you cure the summer-ending blues with Blythe?

Custom Day Dreams

Written on August 24, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

Customs have always been something that I admire from afar. This is primarily because my dolly budget was not one for custom work when I first collecting, and later because it just seemed really expensive. My one year anniversary of starting my career is coming up (in October) and one of the things I decided that I would love to treat myself to is a custom doll by the end of the year. I have a customizer in mind, and I have a ‘vision’ in mind.

A tan Blythe with a pastel mohair reroot, a mix of Cool Cat or Brainworm chips and at least one set of handpainted chips. Not terribly extensive carving, and some painted eyelids. I have this vision in my head about what this doll will look like and I’m so excited about it. I’ve already been in contact with the customizer, just to get an idea of costs. Getting a commission done is not for the weak of heart, but I am determined to see this vision come true! One of my plans is to start actively saving and putting money aside for this dream custom of mine, because it’s something that I’m making a priority.

20160824“I really don’t think you need another mohair custom… Aren’t I perfect enough?”

I feel like she’d wind up fitting in really well with my existing doll family, and will look fantastic next to Halo (my Friends With Blythe mohair custom). Step one (contacting the customizer) has already been ticked off, and I’m onto step two (saving up!).

What are some of your custom day dreams? Do you know who you’d want to get a custom done by? Share your custom visions below!

Sponsor BlytheLife in September!

Written on August 21, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: News


You have a doll-related website/shop/blog and BlytheLife has your target audience! is an active doll website with a high readership that primarily consists of women who are Blythe and other doll collectors/hobbyists. By advertising your doll-related site or business with BlytheLife, you can ensure that your ad is being seen by the people that are your potential customers. Every time someone visits BlytheLife, they’ll see your ad on the side!

Did you know? Sponsorship costs are purposely kept low to keep advertising accessible to people in the doll community.

There are three spots currently available for the month of September and all sponsorship funds go towards the costs of keeping live on the internet!

Large – 1 spot available for September! (325×200 pixels)

  • $10 – 1 month
  • $18 – 2 months
  • $26 – 3 months

Small – 2 spots available for September! (160×160 pixels)

  • $5 – 1 month
  • $9 – 2 months
  • $13 – 3 months

If you’d like more information on how you can advertise on BlytheLife, click here.

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