Who Lives Here: Tertiary Jane

Written on May 22, 2015 at 3:00 pm by Michelle
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Who Lives Here is a little feature on BlytheLife to shine the spotlight on the dolls that live with me! Here’s to you, and me, getting to know my dolls a little bit better.

This is Tertiary Jane. She is a mostly stock Simply Peppermint that arrived on November 28th, 2009. She was a belated birthday and early Christmas present from my parents.


At the time, I was taking an organic chemistry course as part of my undergrad and while I didn’t do very well in organic chemistry, I found the topic fascinating. This is why ‘tertiary’ is part of her name, she is in part named for (or after) tertiary carbons because why not? I thought it was cute, and the name just sort of stuck after it was spoken out loud. She is also my third Blythe, so maybe that had something to do with it to – although secondary and quarternary never popped up in my naming schemes.


I’m not very big on doing customizations. T. Jane has had a few eye chip changes (stock blues for Brainworm’s Turquoise, and stock greens for Brainworm’s Apple). She also has sleepy eyes and has some charms. She’s still on her stock body, which she’ll remain on because of reasons. I loved her so much more the moment I put her turquoise chips in, just look at how great they go with her hair!


Her overall general ‘feel’, to me, is a general sense of geekiness. She had to be, what with her name and all! T. Jane is primarily into biology and fibre crafts (knitting and crocheting), much like me. I like bestowing different aspects of my personality onto my dolls when doing photo stories. T. Jane is, in essence, the geek girl that is so much more outward about it to the rest of the world than I am on a regular basis.


I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting Tertiary Jane!

Tertiary Jane wears ericaduh.

One Response to “Who Lives Here: Tertiary Jane”

  1. Gillian says:

    I loved meeting Tertiary Jane. I think she’s gorgeous, especially with her complementing chips. (Gotta love those timed birthday/Christmas presents – I’m already negotiating my early Christmas present!).

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