A Yen to Travel

Written on October 7, 2015 at 1:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings

With this past weekend being both BlytheCon UK and Blythe Fest, I can’t help but wish I had the funds to travel. Not just for the Blythe conventions (although that is a fantastic reason to make a trip as well), but just to travel and see the world in general. Funds have always been the primary reason why I don’t travel as much as I would like to. Sure, I’ve gone on road trips but never for too long. I’d love to travel to Europe again (I was last in Europe in 1999 and so much has changed!) and I would love to go to Australia and Middle Earth New Zealand!

20151007aStorefront window in Hong Kong.

When one considers my current financial status, such trips are a bit of a pipe dream. Despite all of that, it would be fantastic to go to Europe again and be there when it’s BlytheCon Europe, or BlytheCon UK. Perhaps take a super long flight to Australia (all the way across the Pacific, and then south) and pop in for Blythe Fest between going to tourist attractions. I’d also just love to go back to Asia (and stop by BlytheCon Japan, perhaps?!) and go to real brick-and-mortar shops to choose a Blythe doll and buy one in person. It’s so much better than obsessively checking a tracking number when you can just hold the box in your hand from point of purchase.

In the mean time, I will stick with the local day trips and having a doll in my bag for when I go places, because you never know when the need to photograph a doll with strike!


For those that do attend BlytheCons and its derivatives, do you often stay long enough to soak in the sights? Or is it more of a get-in, BlytheCon, get-out? When I went to BlytheCon Seattle in 2014, I was unable to afford to stay longer than that one day and I keep meaning to go back down to Seattle for a weekend but just keep pushing it off (although now I have a much better excuse, because the Canadian dollar is doing so poorly against the American dollar).

Eden’s wearing: dress/Plastic Fashion, helmet/chelleshocks.

Middie Monday #5

Written on October 5, 2015 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags:

Middie Monday is a feature that is published on the first Monday of each month! A guaranteed monthly post on Blythe’s little sister – Middie! If you have any suggestions for a future Middie Monday post, please send me an email or use my Suggestions form!

A couple weeks ago I wrote about being content with the Blythes that I have, but then the promotional photographs of Melanie Ubique Girl (an October 2015 release) came up. And despite the horrible name (ubique – really???!), although “ubique” is an actual word (for the curious, it is Latin for “everywhere”). But Melanie Ubique Girl’s older sister is Margo Unique Girl and it would have been a touch more fitting if the Middie was named Melanie Unique Girl (MUG 2.0). She is an adorable doll with super cute ash blonde hair and bangs (I’m a big fan of Middie dolls with bangs). And while I may not be in the right situation to buy a new Middie right now, she is super cute and I’d love to add her to the dolly family one day! (Plus – those shoes! the socks! the sunglasses!)


Do you think Melanie Ubique Girl would fit in well with Lydia (Yellow Marshmallow) and Kitty (Jackie Ramone)? And while I really was content with the dolls that I do have, now I’m jonesing for a new dolly. Maybe it’s because she’s super cute, or because I really love MUG 1.0 (but will never ever be able to afford her or justify buying her), or because I just really miss the whole aspect of continuously and obsessively checking tracking online.

Tiny Shoe Love #11

Written on October 3, 2015 at 2:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Article with tags:

Boots. Beautiful sparkly red glitter boots. Oh yes! I recently got these from Reallusion Photography, who was destashing these boots at a local Blythe meet. Score!


These boots are by Jemgirl Creations – I have other shoes from Jemgirl as well. They are made out of poured resin, and are delightfully glittery, very evenly mixed. Very sparkly, and it’s eye catching. I love them! These are quite possibly the most glittery, sparkly doll shoes that I own! There’s also some amazing detail that Jemgirl was able to get from the original boots, the lace detail is subtle with the busy glitter design, but it’s a fun detail to have in a quality pair of boots.

Tiny Shoe Love is a feature on to showcase and share doll shoes that grace Michelle’s picky dolls’ feet. We love tiny shoes in this house, and we hope you do too!

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