A Compilation from Interviews: Tips for Newbies
Written on April 6, 2011 at 12:00 pm by MichelleFiled under: Article with tags: hautecute.net, Melly Kay, milk-tooth.com, milkyrobot.com, rob & sioux
I invite you to take a look back at some of the interviews that I’ve done here on BlytheLife.com since I began the website on July 1, 2010. For almost all of my interviews, I’ve asked the interviewee(s) for hints and tips that they would consider offering to people who are new to the hobby, here are some of those tips and hints from 5 of the people that I’ve interviewed so far!

From Rob & Sioux (interviewed July 2, 2010):
What’s one thing that you would tell someone who’s thinking of crafting and selling something for Blythe?
S: My advice to those of you looking to craft & sell for Blythe is to please remember that Blythe designers aren’t big corporations who make things just to earn a buck. No, many pour their heart and souls into everything they make, it’s very personal. If your only interest is to make money you probably won’t be too happy. Selling things takes a lot of time, energy, and money.R: For people thinking of starting to craft, don’t give up if you’re not happy with the results! Keep trying until you find something you enjoy making, it can be very rewarding and fun!

From Lisa of Milk-Tooth.com (interviewed July 31, 2010):
What kind of advice would you give to someone who’s just coming into the Blythe hobby?
I would tell anyone new to Blythe not to be shy and never hesitate to ask questions. It can be really intimidating to come into a well-established hobby community when you don’t know anyone or much about dolls but just remember that we were all in that position at one point in time so don’t be afraid! I would encourage them to get involved with their local Blythe scene (if there is one.) Blythe is great at bringing people together! I have made some of my very best friends because of dolls!

From Brigitte of HauteCute.net (now PBrigitte) (interviewed September 1, 2010):
What kind advice do you have for those that are new to the Blythe hobby?
For those new to the Blythe hobby I’d say to really enjoy it, take your time finding the perfect girl(s) and shopping for the perfect wardrobe for them. Let the hobby be fun, don’t get caught up in comparing your photos/doll clothes/girls with anyone else’s, and prepare to make some pretty neat friends.

From Jess of MilkyRobot.com (no longer Blythe-related) (interviewed September 12, 2010):
What kind advice would you give to someone who’s just entering into the Blythe hobby/community?
Blythe will open you up to SO many new friends and experiences. When customizing your first girl, don’t be afraid! Get familiar with the forums, my favorite is Plastic Paradise [now Blythe Kingdom]. There are so many people in this hobby that will assist you in any way with your questions and invite you in with loving arms!

From Melly Kay of CuteStew.com (interviewed November 7, 2010):
What kind of advice do you have to give to someone who’s new to the Blythe hobby?
As far as advice, first I would say learn as much as you can. I spent a lot of time researching the first few months and it helped me understand things so much better. I’d also say reach out and join a forum or get on Flickr and connect with all the Blythe lovers there.The Blythe community is wonderful and there are so many amazing people from around the globe that connect with. I’d also say go into it with a budget and plan of some sort. Blythe is addictive and expensive so prepare yourself for that. Don’t be impulsive like me, lol! Every single time I buy a girl I like on impulse, it never fails that a “dream girl” I really want goes up for adoption a few days after and I don’t have the funds to get her. Take your time, plan your collection out and have fun!!
really great advice even to people that have been around the blythe world for awhile 🙂 thank you michelle for creating such a wonderful resource!
Aww, thank you, Sioux! I’ll always be grateful to you and Rob for doing the first interview with me 😀
Thanks for putting this together, Michelle. I’m a newbie, so this info has been helpful.
You’re welcome, Julie! I’m glad that the information is helpful 🙂
This was very helpful!