Written on October 12, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings
I’ve made it no secret that I did my first Blythe preorder a few months ago (for the October release, Devi Delacour). I preordered her based on the promotional illustrations (not photos!) and then swooned when the promotional photos came out. But then came the big problem – the wait.
All special chips! Among other special features!
I like to think and pretend that I can be a patient person – and I can be! I honestly can be, when the occasion calls for it. When it comes to preordering a doll, I don’t think it’s really in my forte to be patient and wait (and wait and wait some more). I preordered and paid for Devi Delacour back in August, and she won’t be shipped until later this month. So not only did I need to wait for photos to come out, and then for the ship date (!), but then I’ll have to wait for her to actually make her way across the Pacific Ocean, get sorted by Canada Post, and then delivered. But since I’ve moved to a new building that has a lot of issues with accepting parcels, chances are that I’ll get a “we missed you” type of delivery notice, have to wait for the next day and then go to the post office to pick her up. If I’m not working, that is.
I think I’ve determined the reason why I’ve never done a preorder before. Clearly I was subconsciously aware that preorders would take far too long and would really test my patience. After all, when I bought other dolls online and had to wait, there was that never-ending-cycle of checking the tracking number (even multiple times a day!) in hopes of an update that she was just a little bit closer to Canada. That said, I am still very much excited for the arrival of Devi Delacour (in case you didn’t clue in on that!), and I don’t have a name for her – yet! There will be a post about that in the future after she arrives.
Written on October 10, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Question of the Week
For readers not in the know, today is Thanksgiving (in Canada). Thanksgiving in October may be a foreign concept to some American readers, but then again so is a Thanksgiving in November to me!
Thankful for friends, community, and cuties like Halo (Friends With Blythe custom).
I am often thankful for Blythe because it’s brought out a creative side to me, provided me with a writing outlet (hello, BlytheLife!), and also has opened me up to a whole community of people. I’m especially thankful for all the friends I’ve made through Blythe – both local and not-so-local, and the travel opportunities that I’ve gotten to experience because of Blythe. Next year is, fingers crossed, going to be the first time that I attend a BlytheCon that isn’t in the same time zone as me and I’m very excited to be planning for that trip! I’ll be saving up between now and next October for a trip to New York for BlytheCon Brooklyn – which is very exciting to me as I’ve never been to New York before! And if you’re like me, you may want to check out the Events page for large scale Blythe events happening in 2017.

Image credit: Julie Blythe/BlytheCon Brooklyn Organizer.
TL;DR: I’m thankful for the community, friends, and travel opportunities when it comes to Blythe. That and they are adorable.
What are you thankful for?
Written on October 7, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: News with tags: blythe price guide
As an always curious doll hobbyist, it’s good to know what the average cost of a Blythe is – especially when it is a doll that I’ve got my eye on. Blythe Price Guide is looking for submissions! If you bought a stock doll and are willing to share how much you spent, please hop on over to Blythe Price Guide. It’s a website that I run and all submissions are anonymous!

All you need to do is share what doll it was, the price (and currency), the condition, and when you bought it. Sounds easy, right?
I’m collecting information on: Takara’s Neos, Middies, and Petites, Ashton-Drake Galleries Blythes, and Kenner Blythe dolls. The information on how much you paid will help sellers determine how to price their dolls when they resell them, and it helps buyers determine if a doll listed for sale is a good deal.
Due to the variations in skill and technique, I won’t be collecting information on fully customized dolls. However, if you happen to buy a doll that’s lightly customized (e.g. a few eye chips changed out, maybe sleepy eyes string added in), that would be okay! Just mention it in the Condition section when providing your submission.
Written on October 5, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags: crafting, diy
Over the years I’ve made some fun projects for Blythe and have shared how I made them here on BlytheLife.com. I thought that I would take a moment and share some of my absolute favourite ones that I loved making and still use on a regular basis.

The Knit Cowl that I made (in mustard and pink!) are regular favourites, one of them is usually on one of my dolls at any given moment. I should really make more in a variety of colours, it’s a nice and quick knitting project that can use up some of your leftover scraps from other projects.
And to continue with the knitting theme, I loved making a Tiny Knitting Project because it helps me to project my hobbies onto my dolls! Super sweet, making a 1:6 scale knitting project was pretty much awesome in my books since I love miniatures! Even if you don’t knit often, it’s a cute addition to a photo story for added detail.

I love the idea of tutus and petticoats, but since I’m occasionally allergic to the idea of sewing, I had to make a no-sew version. The Easy Tutu that I created only needs your ability to handle a pair of scissors, and to knot tulle around a hair elastic. Easy as pie! It’s super easy to make many of them, to add volume to all of your girls’ dresses.

Last, but not least, is the Cable Knit Throw Pillow that I made for my HUSET couch. I’ve actually made a second one since the original tutorial, so they both reside on my HUSET couch on a regular basis because I like cushions when I sit on the couch, so it just makes things seem cozier when I see my dolls on the couch with some throw pillows.
Reading back now, I realize that most of the projects that I personally love (although I am quite pleased with all of the DIYs that I’ve put out here on BlytheLife) have been knitted. Perhaps that is a sign? I am in the process of brainstorming and planning new DIY projects! Stay tuned for the crafty goodness.
Written on October 3, 2016 at 12:00 pm by Michelle
Filed under: Musings with tags: middie monday
It’s October! Which means it’s definitely autumn now, at least where I’m living. It’s getting cooler, the sun rises a little later in the morning and sets earlier in the day – which means when I work I just never see the sun at all (the curses of working 12 hour shifts!). That said, I haven’t really done much with my Middies since the big move. I haven’t really done much with any of my dolls since the big move. I’m kind of terribly neglectful like that.

No big plans for the Middie portion of my doll family, although the ‘goal’ is to still craft their clothing myself – which has also fallen by the wayside with work and everything else going on lately. I’m not sure when I’m going to relax that goal/rule for myself, because it’s getting a wee bit ridiculous on some levels. With that in mind, I wanted to change both of them because I figured they might as well get a little outfit change. It’s easier for me to change the Middies than it is the bigger Blythes because there’s only two of them. Strength in lower numbers, I suppose? The big problem I had is that I am not finished with the unpacking of all my things and I genuinely do not know where I had stashed all the Middie clothes (back in June or July). Whoops.
What’s the longest period of time you’ve had a doll in the same outfit? (At this point, I probably have you beat.)